Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Starting my learning log

I have been doing this course for just over two months and have decided to start using a blog for my learning log.

So far I have been jotting notes into a normal notebook but most of it is barely legible, doesn't always make sense and isn't in any order. I struggle to read and understand it sometimes so I imagine the assessors would find it nigh on impossible!

So I think that typing up my scribbles into a nice, neat format with proper sentences will be far better and beneficial to me.

My first few posts will be typing up the notes I have made so far and then I will start writing new posts in keeping with the coursework I'm currently working on.

When I first read that the learning log could be done in the format of a blog I thought it would be the perfect way to log everything and keep a link with my tutor and fellow students. However, when I realised that the blog wasn't on the OCA website with the forums and portfolios, but on the open web, I was put off.

I had the idea that the blogs would only be visible for fellow students and OCA tutors and only they would be able to write comments on my posts. I was slightly perturbed at the thought of non-students commenting on my posts and possibly giving me advice without them having an OCA knowledge or background.

I've come to the conclusion however that my notes are far too messy to hand in without re-writing it all; this does seem to be the only logical way to keep a record of my progress. I'll continue to use my notebook for jotting down day-to-day thoughts and ideas and then type them into my posts if they are relevant.

Is there anywhere on the OCA website that lists the blogs of other students? I would like to see how other students are presenting their blogs and also to read about other students' experiences with completing their course.


  1. I think that is a really interesting way of approaching the log .I am typing mine as a diary due to my hand writing being so eligible.

  2. Hi Rebecca, I'm using a blog for my learning log for the OCA, it seems to work well. Good luck with your course
